Work With Me

Terms & Conditions

Effective date: 1st September 2022

Last Edited: 23rd April 2024




The content of the Website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved. The copyright and all other rights in all of the material on the Website (including without limitation the screen displays, the content, the text, graphics and look and feel of the site) are owned by Taye Dee and its licensors. Any downloading or other copying from the Website will not transfer title to any software or material to you. You may not reproduce  whole or part of the website, transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose this Website without our prior written permission. Any unauthorised reproduction or use of this Website or the information presented therein may be the subject of prosecution, particularly for infringement of copyright. Any rights not expressly granted in these terms are reserved.



Taye Dee does not give persons accessing the Website permission to use any trade mark contained in the Website. Unauthorised use may constitute an infringement of the relevant owner's rights.

Links to External Sites

This Website may contain links to or from other websites over which Taye Dee has no control. These linked sites are for your convenience only and you access them at your own risk. We are not responsible for the content of any linked sites. We do not in any way endorse the linked sites. Links to the Website may not be included in any other website without the prior written consent of Taye Dee. We will not be responsible for the content of any advertising that may appear on our site nor for its compliance with any applicable laws or regulations.



You should be aware that the internet, being an open network, is not secure. If you choose to send any electronic communications to us by means of this Website, you do so at your own risk. These Terms & Conditions and your use of the Website and all matters connected with them (whether contractual or non-contractual) are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the Law of England and Wales and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. If you access the Website from outside the UK you are responsible for ensuring compliance with any local laws and/or regulations relating to access.

Services & Products

We use automation for delivery for most of our products and services on this website. 

Should you not receive our automated emails to access your product or service, please contact us within 48 hours of purchase. If you do not contact us within 30 working days of purchase, we reserve the right to no longer provide the service. You will not be eligible to a refund should this situation arise. It is your responsibility to ensure timely communication with us for non-receipt of products and services within the timeframe specified above. 

The same conditions apply for any free services or products and bonuses as part of our affiliate work.

We use Tropical Human Design to conduct our work and astrological calculations may change depending on which site is used. This can result in slight differences between two different sites. We will not correct any products or services based on you previously using a different astrological calculation for your Human Design chart. All products and services are final.



We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms & Conditions at any time. 

It is your responsibility to check this occasionally to ensure that you are happy with any changes.

By using our Website, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.

Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Terms & Conditions.


Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about these Terms & Conditions, please contact us: