Live 1:1 Woo-Preneur HD Reading (2-PAY)



It's time to create a legacy, not just a business.

Discover the secrets to effortless success with a personalised Woo Preneur Live 1:1 Human Design Reading experience



I know it feels impossible to make money in your business without feeling exhausted or like you're being pulled in a million different directions at once.

You're amazing at what you do
, that's why people are buying - they see the value of your work.

The problem is that managing your business "doing all the things" is depleting your energy so you've not got enough left in the tank for your actual customers.

This is why you're getting "okay" results for them but, they're not getting the lifechanging impact that you know you can give and converts them into life-long customers.

This is also why you're only making "some sales", rather than having the wild, exciting income months that you see others in your industry raving about because your previous customers are investing in something other than your next launch.

Let's solve this for you because when you understand how to run your business like a Manifestor then all of these problems go away - without you having to fork out on hiring staff to help you.


When you truly embody being a Manifestor in business, your daily task list actually decreases; freeing up your time to innovate new offers or initiate your customers into action that you know is gonna change their life.

What's Included:

In my Woo-Preneur 2 Hour Live Experience - that's completely tailored to you - I take you through...

  • Exactly how your unique Manifestor energy was designed to run a business so it no longer feels exhausting

  • How Key Gates influence your business strategies and give you the exact wording to make sales feel even easier & attract only dreamy customers in

  • And, any other jaw-dropping insights that are SPECIFIC to your chart that I know are going to be needle pushers for making even more profit PEACEFULLY in your business

    ++ Session Replay delivered to your inbox within 10 working days.



Why Choose Woo Preneur?

Look, let me be completely frank with you...

You can either keep slugging away at that never ending To Do list; feeling tired and knowing that your customers aren't getting the INSANE results that you know you were born to get them

OR you can invest in a 2 hour reading & freaking change everything; once and for all🔥

The choice is yours.


Meet Your Certified Reader: Taye Dee
5/1 Emotional Manifestor

Wealth Creator, Change Igniter and Unconventional Strategist
Taye Dee's passion is to help Manifestors use Human Design in their business to go from sacral exhaustion to peaceful profitability. Alchemising traditional business strategy with energetic systems, spiritual tools and mindset hacks, she loves to give a holistic approach to running your empire. Rejecting the conventions that hustle, hard work or stress ever needs to be part of your wealth journey; she's on a mission to ignite female entrepreneurs into making that vision a reality.

Why I Know This Will Work For You & Be Different To Every Other Reading Out There: 

I've run my company as a solopreneur for years and - even now - I have no intention of hiring. I don't need to. I've learnt exactly how my Manifestor energy works and have created a business model that aligns with my natural rhythms; rather than against it.

This not only allows me to turn a consistent profit each month but, it's even freed up enough time to start up MULTIPLE other successful companies too.


How It Works:

  1. Secure Your Spot: Complete the brief questions on this page to personalise your reading and proceed with payment.

  2. Set The Date: You'll get an email with a link to Taye Dee's diary to pick the perfect time for you.

  3. Join the Session: Experience a life-altering 1:1 private Human Design chart reading with Taye Dee over Zoom.

  4. Review and Reflect: A recording of your session will be sent within 10 working days, giving you the chance to revisit and absorb every detail.



What My People Say...





Let's freaking go!
Book your session now ðŸ”¥




Copyright Â©2024 Courageous Career Women T/A Taye Dee. All rights reserved.


£279.00 GBP

2 monthly payments

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