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Business Mini-Course: Manifestor Edition

💥 Business done the Manifestor way! 💥


What You'll Get:


Instant access to hit you in the face with wisdom pre-recorded video modules on EXACTLY how to be successful in business as a Manifestor 🎉


  • INTRO - What Human Design even is (!), how to get hold of a free copy of your chart from my fav resources + a basic overview of your chart. Newbie to HD? This section is for you!

  • MODULE 1 - Being a Manifestor - Breaking down exactly what it's like to be a Manifestor, why Rest is so important, your Signature and Not Self Themes + a truck full of bonus tips on how to actually use all this new found knowledge in business.

  • MODULE 2 - Strategy - Understand the true Manifestor Strategy (Hint: it's NOT what everyone says it is!) + exactly how to use it to navigate all the tricky areas on your entrepreneurial journey.

  • MODULE 3 - Defined Throat Centre - a step-by-step guide to the Gifts  & Shadows of the MOST important Centre we have as Manifestors (I mean...it's where we get our names from after all!!) + real life examples of how we can be led astray so you don't walk slap bang into these most common brick walls preventing expansion in business.

  • MODULE 4 - Planetary Keynotes - Making sense of the key Defined Gates in your chart that you were born to master. I've included this section as an advance teaching bonus so you can see how powerful the HD system is when you apply it to your business dreams. 


++ A special secret business gift 🎁 so you can continue your Human Design journey <3 


Why You Need This Now:

I'm not gonna lie, there's loads of people out there saying they can help you in business. Heck, there's people in the HD industry saying that they can! But, do they really truly know what it's like being a Manifestor trying to make this business thing work?

Most of them aren't Manifestors & haven't even come across one as the rare unicorns that we are 🦄

They mean well but their advice is poor. It doesn't come from LIVED experience & hand on heart...I've fully been through it all. The heartaches, the tears, the frustration, the burning it all down to start again, the giving up & trying to get a "real job"...the sheer boredom of what I'm doing, the fear of not being good enough, the feeling like I'm crazy for keeping at it or daring to be different to every single other person that I know on the planet because no one else does things like I do.

You will not find more genuine lived & recent business experience from any coach or mentor out there.

I'm now walking around proudly shouting from the hilltops about not one or two but THREE businesses...all of which have been built in the past 4 years...but after over 10 years of trial and error in all forms of entrepreneurship (not to mention, many MANY careers including a very successful one in Corporate!)

I have the knowledge and the wisdom but I also have the experience and the determination to build a life that feels worth living. 

Freedom. Peace. Impact. 

You get to have it all. It even gets to be easy. 

This mini-course won't answer all of your questions but it's a damn good start and a dazzling waltz in the right direction. 

Why build a business that you hate & exhausts you when you can learn from all of my mistakes and do things in dreamy alignment with your soul purpose?

THIS is what this mini-course offers you & I really hope you'll push the fear of the unknown aside & take a leap into catalysing conscious change into your life. 

This is where the new you begins ❤️‍🔥

With all of my love,

Taye Dee x









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