Welcome to my new blog!
Mar 02, 2022Hi there :)
My name is Taye Dee - I'm a Business Mindset Coach who uses her combined passions for Human Design, mindset work & spirituality to help you manifest sales!
I freaking LOVE Human Design <3
It's really what changed everything around in business for me & the results reached out far into my personal life. It was like being healed & accepted EXACTLY for who I am but at a soul level. It was me finally being able to fully love who I was - warts & all - but also be able to harness my biggest "weaknesses" as actually my most magnetic & potent strengths.
I'm not going to lie to you...deep diving into HD was not an easy journey for me. I loved the impact it was having & I could quickly see the results in business but trying to figure it all out on my own was horrific.
The education out there on HD is so boring & confusing! The terminology is mind boggling & so many people claim to be "experts" but have zero training...
I'm a Manifestor in HD & we're so wildly misrepresented it's actually quite heartbreaking for me to read some of the "advice" out there.
Plus, trying to find HD advice SPECIFIC to business is near impossible. I was lucky enough to eventually stumble across @thehollymaree on Instagram - a powerful Manifestor who's kicking up a storm in her Manifestor Mastery Certification programme. It was a no-brainer sign up for me & I'm enjoying every second of it. I have a 5/1 profile so absorbing all the info. & sharing it with the world in my own style is totally my jam!
So...here I am...excited to be starting this new blog in my little corner of the interwebs hoping that it'll find the people who need it most. People like me who almost gave up on business entirely just because their energy type is misunderstood 🤦
The purpose of this blog?
To simplify Human Design so you can quickly & easily implement impactful energetic led strategy to build your thriving business - full of fun, freedom & pure magnetism at a genetic level.
This is business in alignment with your DNA & deep, dreamy soul purpose.
This won't feel like anything else you've encountered before & that's okay. It's not meant to be.
Its purpose is to shock you, make you think & force mindset shifts at an energetic level. It may feel uncomfy & you may need to re-read some posts a few times before you really see & understand the magic behind them.
Every post is full with my potent Manifestor energy. I'll only post when in alignment so expect an erractic schedule as I ride the ups & downs of my Emotional Wave or get plunged into a Rest Cycle (don't worry...there will be more on all of what this means soon!)
The jist is...expect the unexpected ;)
Even I don't know what will be channelled through me but my Guides & I are here to support you on your energetic journey through business.
This is business being done the right way as it's uniquely driven by who you are & not based on what I or anyone else thinks is best for you.
So...dive in! :) Take what you intuitively need & leave the rest.
Let me know how you get on my loves - I'm here to hold this space for you xx
Where you can find me...
Instagram: @thetayedee & @courageous_career_women
Facebook Page: @courageouscareerwomen
Facebook Group: Courageous Career Women
Etsy: Little Black Fox Shop
Discover all of the ways you can currently work with me to use energetics in your business & start feeling in alignment with your soul purpose. Tap the link below to get started.
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