Ignite My Business 🔥

How to Start Using Human Design in Your Business

Jun 27, 2022
How to Start Using Human Design in Your Business

I want to make using Human Design in your business super easy...


I remember how hard it was to just start understanding my HD chart...let alone be able to actively use it FOR my business


All of the training out there uses so much confusing terminology - who has the time to sit there trying to translate it all?!

I promised myself that if I ever understood it & it actually worked...then I would find a way to share it so that everyone could benefit from it.

...so, here I am!


I'm over 2 years into my HD experiment & there are two things that I've discovered:

1. It 100% works for EVERYONE - especially in business

2. Everyone seriously overcomplicates this system

Let's get one thing straight...no matter what your experience has been so far...HD can & will come naturally to you because it's a system all about YOU!

Nothing could be as easy for you to understand & actually embody as it even shows you how you best learn & process information.


The best place to start is with your 9 Energy Centres 

These may not seem like the shiniest parts of your chart but the wealth of knowledge they contain is crazy! 

I'm going to break them down step-by-step but let me give you an overview:

The Head Centre

Where you create offers from
(unless you're a Manifestor then they come from your Creative Urges instead)

E.G. How you get the ideas & inspiration to create new things to sell in your business


The Ajna Centre

Where you design your business systems from

E.G. How you process orders, how people will access your online course, what the sales process should look like


The Throat Centre

How you write/speak to your audience to draw them in
E.G. Your posts on social media, your E-mail newsletters, your Sales pages on your website


The G Centre

How you create the branding of your business

E.G. Whether you use personal branding with you as the center of it or your audience only sees a logo


The Ego Centre

How you charge the real value for your offers & stay committed to your business

E.G. Intuitively knowing the exact right price for your products & services as well as not jumping ship when business feels harder than you expected


The Spleen Centre

How you resonate with your audience & intuitively give them exactly what they need

E.G. You sell products & services to them & write content that they understand & actually want which builds the trust they have with you & your brand


The Sacral Centre

How you're motivated to get ALL the things done in business i.e. "hustle mode"

E.G. Your source of energy to complete tasks to any deadlines that crop up 


The Emotional Centre

How you get clarity, stay compassionate & empathetic with your audience

E.G. Your ability to add the "personal touch" to your business. You're not just a money making machine but a real person who runs a soul & heart led business


The Root Centre

How you know exactly when to launch, post & push through even when you have doubts

E.G. Your internal clock that intuitively knows the right timing for everything


Even if you DON'T have these centres defined, you still have access to the energy but in a slightly different way.  

For example, I have an Undefined G Centre which means that my branding changes frequently to match my current identity. A fixed brand & niche wouldn't work for me. BUT, if you have it Defined then a specific niche & really personal brand would work wonders 😊

I'll be going into each centre in more deets over the next few weeks - SPECIFICALLY TO BUSINESS - but if you want to get a jump start then I offer FREE Starter Chart Readings.

Link is below:




Discover all of the ways you can currently work with me to use energetics in your business & start feeling in alignment with your soul purpose. Tap the link below to get started.

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