Ignite My Business šŸ”„

Recommended Reader & Support Teacher

Featured Episode #150 Hunting For Purpose


Rewind back to 2021...

I'd never failed at anything but I was majorly messing this business thing up and, the worst part, I had no idea what I was doing wrong.

I'd invested thousands in business courses and coaches to help me with the transition but, none of it had worked.

I was either working more hours than humanly possible, trying to implement a "well known & proven business sales strategy" (that made me feel like throwing up, it was so gross) or I was collapsed, as a heap on my floor, wondering why the heck I'd quit my job, exhausted tears streaming down my cheeks and a thumping headache from too much screen time.

I know people said business was hard but this was ridiculous.

It was in that moment, I pressed play on a podcast about Manifestors that would change my life forever. I didn't know it - I was just desperately searching for anything to relieve the ache of disappointment.

...continued below

Non-Practising Barrister

IT Service Manager

Website Designer &Ā Manager

Certified Coach

Mental Health First Aider

Jewellery Designer



Certified Human Design & Gene Keys Expert

-Ā  EĀ  nĀ  tĀ  rĀ  eĀ  pĀ  rĀ  eĀ  nĀ  eĀ  uĀ  rĀ  Ā -


One compelling story and fresh tears of deep recognition; and I had to know everything about being a Manifestor...

I'd never felt so seen. There was finally an answer to all the pain I'd ever felt and an instant, intuitive knowing, that this is why my business wasn't working. I'd had no idea who I was and knew no one invested in that sort of nervous energy.

But, confidence in who you are, when running an online business, isn't built overnight.

I spent months absorbing everything I could about Human Design and flung myself into my biggest investment yet to get certified in it. I saw the power this modality had: not to teach me how to run my business but to simply give me the confidence in who I am and be willing to express that to the world.

Now, sales come in consistently every month, in multiple businesses.

And, that's why I'm teaching Manifestors how to do the same.

Because knowing who you are changes everything.

>> Help Me Discover Who I Am <<

My Design...

My Business Design...

What My People Say...

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