Ignite My Business 🔥

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Featured Episode #150 Hunting For Purpose

Why do one thing,
                      when you can do many...


Courageous Career Women

Human Design coaching & mentoring for Manifestors in business

Astral Phoenix

Human Design & AI digital marketing services

Illume Casting

Human Design methodology based Talent Agency for Film, TV & Commercials.

Coming soon...

Unconscious Wealth Empire

Human Design & wealth embodiment techniques membership

Courageous Career Women

Human Design coaching & mentoring for Manifestors in business

Astral Phoenix

Human Design & AI digital marketing services & products

Illume Casting

Human Design methodology based Talent Agency for Film, TV & Commercials

Unconscious Wealth Empire

Human Design & wealth embodiment techniques membership

Did you know your business has a Human Design chart too?

Download a FREE guide so you can discover your business birth date

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Your Unique Path to Business Success: Woo Preneur 1:1 Experience

Are you a female entrepreneur embarking on your business journey with Human Design?

Unlock the secrets to aligning your energy with your business goals through a personalised business specific Human Design reading.

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Founder & CEO of @Courageous Career Women

I watched my phone tick over to 3AM. Again. The 4th time this week I couldn't sleep.

Running over & over in my mind, like a broken record, the same agonising thought: how could I make my business work?

It was 3 months after I'd quit my Corporate job, to pursue the dream of being a coach and not a single sale.

Even the crickets weren't bothering to visit my inbox. I was so ashamed...

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